An ally of the white fur trappers, traders, immigrants, and the u. Chief washakie born circa 18041810, died 1900 is perhaps the most famous of all eastern shoshone headmen and leaders. The following books tell very little about the pony express but explain much about the impacts of commercial and emigrant trail traffic on native peoples. Information on this site was converted from a hard cover book. Washakie church records, records of members early to 1931. Washakie is a agricultural class 2 ghost town in the center of a small shoshone indian reservation on the malad river, south of portage in box elder county. Sagwitch and other latterday saints established the town of washakie, utah. Washakie letters washakie history hometown locator madsen, bingham d the northern shoshoni worldcat 7260582 portage cemetery records years 1872nov. Named for shoshone chief washakie who was on friendly terms with his latterday saint neighbors. History of utah wikimili, the best wikipedia reader. Bibliography pony express national historic trail u. A history of daggett county, utah centennial county history series. Mormons, miners, padres, mountain men, and the openi.
Wyoming in popular culture, 1868present introduction. In 1880, a handful of shoshoni families and a few mormon missionaries settled on a plot of land near the utahidaho border and called the settlement washakie in honor of an. History of wyomingwyoming in popular culture, 1868present. Distributed by the university of nebraska press for caxton press historian brigham madsen has devoted much of his career to telling the story of the shoshoni. Grace raymond hebard offers an engaging view of washakie s long life and the early history of shoshoneoccupied landembracing presentday wyoming and parts of montana, idaho, and utah. Egans book documents the the pyramid lake war, which shut down the pony express for about a month in 1860. Madsen tells the story of the tribe and their struggle to adapt to the massive cultural changes that have occurred during the past. Upon getting to utah, he was a prominent speaker, and traveled. Known for his prowess as both warrior and statesperson, washakie played a prominent role in the territorial and statehood development of idaho, montana, utah, and wyoming. Inside the order, one mormon cults secret empire rolling. Known for its sprawling mountain ranges, grass plains and low population density, wyoming has been a romanticized part of american culture for over a. For most modern wyoming residents and many historians of the american west, the names of chief washakie, the shoshone indians, and the wind river reservation seem inseparable. It also maintained the highest birth rate, with 86. Reviewed in the united states on may 17, 2012 i read this book with the intent of learning more of the bear river massacre and its relationship to a colt pistol relic in my possession found on family property in franklin, idaho in the 1930s.
One of the deadliest atrocities in the history of the western united states, this. The washakie letters of willie ottogary, northwestern shoshone journalist and leader, 19061929 logan, ut. Rockhounding books prospecting books mining books 8 navigation, first aid and knots. Sep 30, 2019 washakie is a ghost town in far northern box elder county, utah, united states. Grace raymond hebard offers an engaging view of washakies long life and the early history of shoshoneoccupied landembracing. Navigation books 8 first aid books 11 knots books 8 history. Records of members in washakie ward, malad stake of zion. Washakie, box elder county, utah genealogy familysearch.
See also whats at your library, or elsewhere broader terms. Barnard white 18391912 a small group of men from draper, consisting of joseph george crapo, alvin monteith, william smith and barnard white a lumber merchant from ogden, decided to look for another homesite where the opportunities were better. The shoshone were traditionally divided into four groups. The land had once been home to the washakie indians, and as children, stephen and his 15 full brothers and sisters played among the windswept ruins of a native american cemetery. Washakie was chief of the eastern band of the shoshone indians for almost sixty years, until his death in 1900. I feel it our duty nowfrom a distance of 160 yearsto work until the rest of the story becomes an integral part of the italicized story. Washakie is seen signing historic treaties, aiding overland emigrants in the 1850s, and finally assisting whites in fighting the sioux. A strong leader of his own people, he saw the wisdom of befriending the whites. Washakie county, wy map books from marketmaps are detailed and portable. A history of utahs american indians 2000 by utah state history.
A history of utahs american indians, chapter 1 history. Building historically books 2 mining history books 10 native american books 11 wild west books 10 roadside history books 8 utah history books 29 opening the west books 16. Crum from univ of utah pr trd out of print try used books. The details of this history were told by sagwitchs descendants, including amy hootchew timbimboo and mae timbimboo parry, to scott christensen, who published the history in his book sagwitch. Washakie was chief of the eastern band of the shoshone indians. The washakie letters of willie ottogary, northwestern. Washakie county, wy map books are easy to use and read. Grace raymond hebard offers an engaging view of washakies long life and the early history of shoshoneoccupied landembracing presentday wyoming and parts of montana, idaho, and utah. In the mountain west, grassroots local history books have become common. Arrington and davis bitton, the mormon experiencea history of the latterday saints new york. A shoshone history, by darren parry, chairman of the northwestern band of shoshone, is the first book to tell the story of the largest massacre of native americans by federal troops in the history of the united states from the perspective of the shoshone nation p. The washakie letters of willie ottogary, northwestern shoshone journalist and leader, 19061929.
Distributed to the book trade by utah state university press logan, utah. Jun 15, 2011 the land had once been home to the washakie indians, and as children, stephen and his 15 full brothers and sisters played among the windswept ruins of a native american cemetery. Washakie county, wyoming genealogy familysearch wiki. It is home for the eastern shoshone and northern arapaho tribes. On november 8, 2018, at brigham young university, he presented this talk for the charles redd center for western studies. Members of polygamous kingston group charged in alleged. Washakie, box elder county, utah genealogy genealogy. Shoshoni indiansutahwashakie indian reservationsocial conditions. A history of utahs american indians, chapter 1 history to go. The tribe once occupied a huge region that included portions of idaho, oregon, utah, wyoming, and montana. Maintenance of the sites are now managed by the utah education networkuen. Shoshone tales university of utah publications in the american west, vol 31 by anne m.
Due to the black hawk war in southern utah in 18671868 and as the indians appeared to be becoming somewhat hostile in northern utah and idaho, it was deemed advisable by the cache valley authorities to give greater protection to the outlying settlements such as franklin, and especially paradise. Chief washakie was recognized as the head chief among most of the shoshone bands at the time of the entry of the mormons into the salt lake valley. This also netted an appearance on the court by washakie. Named for shoshone chief washakie who was on friendly terms with his latter day. Mar 25, 2017 from his birth in the bitterroot mountains among the salish tribe, to his exploits as a warrior with the lemhi shoshone and bannocks, washakie was recognized early as an extraordinary person. The washakie indian farm was home to the main body of this native american band through most of the 20th century. Paleolithic people lived near the great basin s swamps and marshes, which had an. Archaeological evidence dates the earliest habitation of native americans in utah to about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. A history of utahs american indians, chapter 2 history to go.
Washakie last chief of the eastern shoshone youtube. Darren parry is the chairman of the northwest band tribal council of the shoshone nation. The history of utah is an examination of the human history and social activity within the state of utah located in the western united states contents. The shoshoni frontier and the bear river massacre utah centennial. The utah history encyclopedia is the first complete history of utah in encyclopedia form, consisting. The founding and eventual demise of the shoshoni settlement known as washakie.
World heritage encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most. Jan 01, 1980 grace raymond hebard offers an engaging view of washakies long life and the early history of shoshoneoccupied landembracing presentday wyoming and parts of montana, idaho, and utah. Washakie letters of willie ottogary by matthew kreitzer. Browse items utah stories from the beehive archive. Willard marriott library 295 south 1500 east, suite 5400 salt lake city, utah 84112. This websites original design was by ciming mei, media solutions, university of utah. Washakie county was named after the head chief of the shoshone people, chief washakie, who became an ally of the us government. County courthouse edit edit source washakie county courthouse 1023 big horn avenue p. It is located in the northcentral area of the state. Willie ottogarys letters have the distinction of being firsthand reports of an indian communitys ongoing social. Brigham madsen, a former university of utah history professor, spent many years studying the history and culture of the various branches of the shoshoni nation. Indian journalistsutahwashakie indian reservationbiography. List of books and articles about shoshone indians online.
Washakie, chief of the shoshones by grace raymond hebard. Chief washakie of the shoshone a photographic essay by. He hunted and trapped with famous mountain man jim bridger. The history of utah is an examination of the human history and social activity within the state of utah located in the western united states. The utah history encyclopedia is the first complete history of utah in encyclopedia form, consisting of 575 articles and over 200 historic photographs. Also available at lds church archives, salt lake city. An introduction to the wind river indian reservation of. The old lds chapel in washakie is now on the national register of historic places. Washakie 18041900 was a shoshoni tribal leader who helped passengers westward and remained friends with mountain men and trappers. Complete history of utah in encyclopedia form consisting of 575 articles and over 200. A history of utahs american indians, chapter 2 history. Washakie is a ghost town in far northern box elder county, utah, united states.
Lying some 3 miles southeast of portage, it was established in 1880 by the church of jesus christ of latterday saints for the settlement of the northwestern shoshone. The state of wyoming has had its impact on american culture as strongly as any other state. A history of the western shoshonepoi pentun tammen kimmappeh by steven j. Grace raymond hebard offers an engaging view of washakies long life and the early history of shoeshoneoccupied landembracing present. From his birth in the bitterroot mountains among the salish tribe, to his exploits as a warrior with the lemhi shoshone and bannocks, washakie was recognized early as an extraordinary person. Matthew e kreitzer writings by american indians from the early twentieth century or earlier are rare. When sagwitch died, his death went almost unnoticed outside of washakie, but his children and. Sagwitch the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. For over twenty years, local newspapers in utah and southern idaho regularly published letters from ottogary reporting happeningspersonal milestones and health crises, comings and goings, social events, economic conditions and activities, efforts at political redressat washakie and other shoshone communities in the intermountain west. The nonphotographic image category contain many examples of washakie s picture as used in advertising, sculpture, books, or other art. Washakie indian reservation utah history the washakie letters of willie ottogary, northwestern shoshone journalist and leader, 19061929 logan, ut. Utah state university press, c2000, by willie ottogary, ed.
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